Merge the power of politics with the dynamism of business and embark on a journey where your choices don’t just shape your career; they shape the world. The politics and business career path within political science offers endless opportunities for transformation. Become a chief operations officer (COO), steering the operational ship of an organization, ensuring efficiency and sustainability. Find your voice as a communications director, becoming the voice of organizations, shaping public perception, and influencing change. Your messages have the power to mobilize, inspire, and ignite movements.

Don’t just climb corporate ladders; shape the way organizations operate, impact society, and contribute to the world.

I was motivated to understand why the world appeared so unjust and find ways to make it better. The skills you will learn in theoretical and applied analysis can be used in a wide range of careers. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

Evan Abramsky, ’16 political science

Alumni Profile

  • Evan Abramsky

    Evan shares how his degree in political science helped him prepare for a career as a desk operations engineer at Jane Street Capital in New York City as well as opportunities at the National Endowment for Democracy, Harvard Kennedy School, and American Enterprise Institute.


All political science majors take 1010 Exploring Political Science, two additional 1000 level courses, two 2000 level gateway courses, and six upper-level courses (3000 or higher) at least three of which are 4000 or higher. Majors also take a research methods class (2610, 2620, or 4010) and do a capstone experience (internship, study abroad, senior thesis, or graduate level political science course).

Gateway course

  • POLS 2320X Politics of Business

Upper-level course options for this career path

  • POLS 3100    State and Local Government
  • POLS 3330    Democracy in America
  • POLS 3350    Science, Technology, and Public Policy
  • POLS 3360X  Climate Change Policy
  • POLS 3400    Politics of Developing Areas
  • POLS 3420    Chinese Politics
  • POLS 3430    Latin American Government and Politics
  • POLS 3440    Public Policy
  • POLS 3460    European Politics
  • POLS 3480    British Government and Politics
  • POLS 3490    Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe
  • POLS 3500    Politics of the Middle East
  • POLS 3810    International Political Economy
  • POLS 4070    Proseminar in Public Policy
  • POLS 4080    Proseminar in Policy Implementation
  • POLS 4090    Political Game Theory
  • POLS 4220    International Law
  • POLS 4530    International Organizations
  • POLS 4750    Management in the Public Sector
  • POLS 4770    Government Business and Society
  • POLS 4870    Cyberpolitics

Frequently asked questions

Yes, but you can only double count one class.

No, they are not a graduation requirement.

Yes, if you have taken the required classes you can still get a completion letter if you are graduating Fall 2023 or later.

Yes. You can also consider taking one additional class to get a minor.

  • Take the gateway ourse for that path
  • Take at least three additional courses from the list of upper-level courses for that Path with a grade of C- or higher in each course.
  • Fill out an application showing that you have taken the necessary courses —Career Path Completion Form
  • Receive a letter of completion for the path from the Department of Political Science and list your emphasis area on your resume. We are exploring creating digital badges for LinkedIn and similar platforms.

Yes, with approval from your advisor.

One of the political science advisors: Megan Kassmeier , Zack Bonner or Patrick Johnson