Faculty in the Department of Political Science at Iowa State maintain active research programs spanning all subfields of the discipline. Below is a sample of our recent publications.
- Scott Feinstein, “Measuring and Validating the Ukrainian Ethnic Coherence Instrument,” Post-Soviet Affairs
- Amy Erica Smith and Taylor C. Boas, “Religion, Sexuality Politics, and the Transformation of Latin American Electorates,” British Journal of Political Science
- Natalie Jones-Kerwin and David A. M. Peterson, “Group Consciousness and the Politics of American Indians,” Political Behavior
- Cai Xu and Mack Shelley, “The Affordability of Access to Health Care for Older Adults in China,” Economic and Political Studies
- Karen M. Kedrowski, Candice D. Ortbals, Lori Poloni-Staudinger, and J. Cherie Strachan (eds.), “The Palgrave Handbook of Fashion and Politics,” Palgrave McMillan
- Rachel Lentz and Alex Tuckness, “Impartial Spectators and Legislators: Adam Smith and Religion,” The Review of Politics
- Wenhui Li, Heewon Lee, Yixin Liu, Tian Tang, and Guimin Zheng, “Reward Exploitation or Exploration? The Effects of Local Government Sustainability Strategies and Performance Information on Citizen Evaluation,” Public Management Review
- Mollie Cohen, Amy Erica Smith, Mason Moseley, and Matthew Layton, “Winners’ Consent: Citizen Commitment to Democracy when Illiberal Candidates Win Elections,” American Journal of Political Science
- Scott Feinstein and Cristina Poleacovschi, “Making Democracy Work in a Refugee Camp: Social Capital and the Emergence of Empowerment,” Development in Practice
- Joanne Miller, David A. M. Peterson, Kyle Saunders, and Scott McClurg, “Putting the Political in Political Interest: The Conditional Effect of Politics on Citizens’ Interest in Politics,” American Politics Research
- Melissa Haussman and Karen M. Kedrowski, “Walking the Gendered Tightrope: Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative Leaders,” University of Michigan Press
- Yen-Han Lee, Chase Woods, Mack Shelley, Stephan Arndt, Ching-Ti Liu, and Yen-Chang Chang, “Racial Disparities and Prevalence in Prescription Drug Misuse, Illicit Drug Use, and Combination of Both Behaviors in the United States,” International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
- Anca Turcu and Robert Urbatsch, “Is Populism Popular Abroad? Evidence from Diasporas around the Globe,” Party Politics
- Yen-Chang Chang, Yen-Han Lee, Yu-Chi Chi, and Mack Shelley, “Does urban-rural disparity exist in nicotine and alcohol dependence among Chinese older adults?,” Addiction Research & Theory
- Peiyi Lu and Mack Shelley, “Testing the Missingness Mechanism in Longitudinal Surveys: A Case Study Using the Health and Retirement Study,” International Journal of Social Research Methodology
- Paul Djupe, Amy Erica Smith, and Anand Edward Sokhey. “The Knowledge Polity: Research and Teaching in the Social Sciences,” Oxford University Press
- Karen M. Kedrowski, “Integrating Civic Engagement into Scholarly Reward Systems,” PS: Political Science & Politics
- Jonathan M. Powell, Salah Ben Hammou, Amy Erica Smith, Lucas Borba, Drew Holland Kinney, Mwita Chacha, and Erica de Bruin, “A Coup at the Capitol? Conceptualizing Coups and Other Antidemocratic Actions,” International Studies Review
- David A. M. Peterson, Joanne M. Miller, Kyle L. Saunders, and Scott D. McClurg, “Macrointerest,” British Journal of Political Science
- Scott Feinstein, Cristina Poleacovschi, Riley Drake, and Leslie Ann Winters. “States and Refugee Integration: A Comparative Analysis of France, Germany, and Switzerland,” Journal of International Migration and Integration
- Alvina Aui and Yu Wang. “Post-RFS Supports for Cellulosic Ethanol: Evaluation of Economic and Environmental Impacts of Alternative Policies,” Energy Policy
- Alex Tuckness, “Morality as Legislation: Rules and Consequences,” Cambridge University Press
- Nell Gabiam, “Palestinian Refugees and Europe’s ‘Refugee Crisis’: Seeking Asylum in France in the Wake of the Syrian War,” Journal of Refugee Studies
- Lauren Honig, Amy Erica Smith, and Jaimie Bleck, “What Stymies Action on Climate Change? Religious Institutions, Marginalization, and Efficacy in Kenya,” Perspectives on Politics
- Maxwell B. Allamong and David A. M. Peterson, “Screw Those Guys: Polarization, Empathy, and Attitudes about Out-Partisans,” Political Psychology
- Peiyi Lu and Mack Shelley, “Comparing Older Adult and Child Protection Policy in the United States of America,” Ageing & Society
- Scott G. Feinstein and Ellen B. Pirro, “Testing the World Order: Strategic Realism in Russian Foreign Affairs,” International Politics
- Matthew L. Layton, Amy Erica Smith, Mason W. Moseley, and Mollie J. Cohen, “Demographic Polarization and the Rise of the Far Right: Brazil’s 2018 Presidential Election,” Research & Politics
- Amy Erica Smith and Robin Globus Veldman, “Evangelical Environmentalists? Evidence from Brazil,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Shelly M. Palmer, Simon T. Knoblauch, Donna M. Winham, Molly B. Hiller, and Mack C. Shelley, “Putting Knowledge into Practice: Low-Income Women Talk about Food Choice Decisions,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Jonathan Hassid, “Censorship, the Media, and the Market in China,” Journal of Chinese Political Science
- Mark D. Ramirez and David A. M. Peterson, ”Ignored Racism: White Animus Toward Latinos,” Cambridge University Press
- Heidi Hardt, Hannah June Kim, Amy Erica Smith, and Philippe Meister, “The Gender Readings Gap in Political Science Graduate Training,” Journal of Politics
- Chien-fei Chen, Yu Wang, Lazarus Adua, and Hua Bai, “Reducing Fossil Fuel Consumption in the Household Sector by Enabling Technology and Behavior,” Energy Research & Social Science
- Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Stephan Arndt, Mack Shelley, and Ching-Ti Liu, “Weekly Marijuana Use and Health-Related Measurements among Adults in the United States: A Longitudinal Study,” Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
- Debora Duque and Amy Erica Smith, “The Establishment Upside Down: A Year of Change in Brazil,” Revista de Ciencia Politica
- Amy Erica Smith, ”Religion and Brazilian Democracy: Mobilizing the People of God,” Cambridge University Press
- Peiyi Lu, Chunyu Yang, Jun Yao, and Mack Shelley, “Outpatient and Inpatient Service Use by Chinese Adults Living in Rural Low-Income Households,” Social Work in Public Health
- Peiyi Lu and Mack Shelley, “Retirement, Pensions, and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults in China, England, Mexico, and the United States,” International Journal of Aging & Human Development
- Ahlam Khalfan Al Subhi and Amy Erica Smith, “Electing Women to New Arab Assemblies: The Roles of Gender Ideology, Islam, and Tribalism in Oman,” International Political Science Review