Abigail Morton

Abigail Morton

  • Distinguished Alumni


I am originally from Lafayette, LA, where I earned my undergraduate degree in political science at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. After completing an internship on the Hill, I attended Iowa State in the Spring of 2020. I was a political science master’s student with a concentration in public policy and I graduated with my M.A. degree in political science from Iowa State in Winter of 2021.

What drew me to Iowa State was the research that Dr. Yü Wang was conducting on micro grids, demand response, and direct load control programs. I was very fortunate to be her research assistant on this project that yielded interesting and enlightening results. Dr. Wang and I also interviewed many energy professionals to glean their perceived barriers to demand response in the U.S. From these interviews, I learned a lot about how the U.S. electricity grid operates along with the all the policies involved. I was so lucky to have such an intelligent, hardworking, and amiable person as a professor and as my principal advisor.

The faculty and staff at Iowa State set me up for success in my professional career. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Iowa State, and I know all future students will as well.

I recently moved to DC and accepted a full-time position with GreenMet, a green energy supply chain company, where I operate as their renewable energy specialist and confidential assistant to the CEO. I vet incoming mining and recycling projects with domestic origins that emphasize environmental protocols and reduced carbon emissions. These mined and recycled Rare Earth Elements GreenMet works with go into Lithium-Ion batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, and other modern technologies.

If anyone would like to contact me for any reason, my email is amorton@greenmet.com. Please don’t hesitate to reach out! If you’re ever in DC, let’s grab a coffee sometime.