Matthew Goodman (B.A. ’97), received the 2022 Political Science Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award
Author: lskramer

Author: lskramer
After earning his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in 1997, Matt was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force through the air-defense analysts in Keflavik, Iceland, and integrating with a team of multinational analysts in the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Wing at Geilenkirchen, Germany.
Matt went on to write exercise scenarios, bringing the then-new US Northern Command to full operational capability, then became a member of the U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command Operational Watch in Cheyenne Mountain. After teaching and leading new Airmen and Officers in Air Education and Training Command, Matt was assigned to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, where he led operations support efforts for global strategic airlift and humanitarian support efforts. He served as a Program Chief for Joint and NSC policy on the Air Staff in the Pentagon, then as a Commander of an Air Mobility Command Tactics Development Organization, and as a Deputy Group Commander, overseeing the efforts of over 1,000 Airmen.
Matt was most recently the Commander of AFROTC Detachment 640 and Chair of Aerospace Studies at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. After retiring in November 2021 with over 24 years of service in the Air Force, he currently serves as the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor for Air Force Junior ROTC in Waterloo, Iowa, teaching leadership, management, and aerospace science principles to the community’s future leaders.
Matt holds a Master of Arts in Administrative Leadership (2009) from the University of Oklahoma, and a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence (2011) from the National Defense Intelligence College. He is also a graduate of the Defense Language Institute, the Joint Military Attaché Course in Washington, DC, and the USAF Air War College.