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New blog analyzes gender in Iowa politics

Author: lskramer

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State University launched a new blog, Navigating Gender in Iowa, on June 3.  “The blog analyzes politics through a gendered lens, focusing on candidates visiting Iowa,” said Karen Kedrowski, director of the Catt Center.  With six women running for president of the United States, Kedrowski said we are at “the crossroads of an historical moment.”  Catt Center scholars and other commentators will post at regular intervals during the caucus campaign season and into the general election. Contributors will also respond to newsworthy developments as they arise.  According to Kelly Winfrey, assistant professor of journalism and research and outreach coordinator for the Catt Center, Iowa is uniquely positioned to get a view of candidates and gauge Iowan’s reactions with the Iowa Caucuses.  “We are ground zero for the presidential campaign, and we have an opportunity to share with the country the gendered dynamics of this campaign as it’s happening,” Winfrey said.  Presidential candidates will not be the only politicians observed.

“In 2018 we saw a record number of women running across the nation, and here in Iowa, we elected our first female governor and the first two women to the U.S. House,” Winfrey said. “We expect 2020 to be another interesting year for women candidates in Iowa and across the country.”

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics was founded in 1992 at Iowa State University to interest, educate and engage citizens in the political process.