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Lissa Villa Internship with TIME

Author: lskramer

Lissa Villa, senior in Political Science and in Journalism and Mass Communication, will pursue a 10-week internship in the Washington, DC, bureau of TIME. She will be reporting and writing stories about the 2016 election with a focus on the presidential race. She will be pitching story ideas, researching material for long-term projects, and working with other writers. This internship is especially meaningful to Lissa because in 2014 she was selected as that year’s White House Historical Association Hugh Sidey Scholar. Sidey graduated from Iowa State and went on to cover the presidency for TIME, which is one of her favorite publications, to which her family has subscribed for as long as she can remember.

“I’m very lucky that my time at Iowa State has led to such incredible opportunities” said Villa. “I always knew I wanted to be a political reporter, and thanks to the ISU Political Science Department and the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, I feel prepared to meet my professional goals after I graduate this May. It’s been a lot of work to lead up to a TIME internship, and it really wouldn’t have happened without all of my friends and mentors at Iowa State and other Iowa publications to help along the way.”

Lissa Villa currently is an Intern at *The Des Moines Register*, Editor-in-Chief and founder of *Veritas* magazine, Cargill Global scholar, and Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics Legacy of Heroines scholar.