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Political Science students honored at Iowa’s state legislator “Welcome Back” reception

Author: lskramer

Two Political Science students–Lissa Villa (left) and Erin Norton (right) were honored at the 16th annual “Welcome Back” reception for Iowa’s state legislators, January 12, 2016. Dr. Kelly Shaw, Lecturer in Political Science, is in the middle. Congratulations to Lissa and Erin!

The event is sponsored by the 3rd House Committee, which connects state legislators with policy entrepreneurs.

Lissa Villa won the 2015 Serge Garrison Memorial Scholarship, which was established in honor of Serge Garrison, a lawyer with the Ahlers, Cooney, Dorweiler, Haynie, Smith law firm in Des Moines. He was Director of the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency and a member of the 3rd House Committee.

Erin Norton won the 2015 3rd House Memorial Scholarship, which was established by a volunteer committee made up of members of the Iowa Lobbying community who identify themselves as the “3rd House.” The scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior Political Science major with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. The recipient shall demonstrate leadership ability and excellence in campus and extra-curricular activities. These criteria also apply for the Serge Garrison Memorial Scholarship. (Two other students–Brenna Borman and Matthew Scott–also received the 2015 3rd House Memorial Scholarship but were unable to attend the Legislative Reception.)